Winter 2009

• Neil Shea retraces Castro’s path to Revolution • Lygia Navarro on mental illness and addiction in Cuba • Paul Reyes returns to Cuba with his exiled father and uncle • A symposium on the Life and Work of Mahmoud Darwish • Fiction by Carolina De Robertis, Laleh Khadivi, and Vinnie Wilhelm • Poetry by Michael Collier, Dave Lucas, Pablo Neruda, Ricardo Pau-Llosa, and R. A. Villanueva
Winter 2009

Volume 85, Number 1

Virginia Quarterly Review, Winter 2009 cover
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Table of contents

Editor's Desk 

Contributor Profiles

Paul Reyes is VQR’s Editor and is the author of Exiles in Eden: Life Among the Ruins of Florida’s Great Recession.

Neil Shea is a writer, filmmaker, and teacher. His work regularly appears in National Geographic, and he’s a contributing editor to VQR and the American Scholar.

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