Fall 2016

For this issue, we assem­bled pieces that glean from the built environ­ment, be it a capital or backwater, a suburb or pop-up village. The backdrops range from Los Angeles to Buenos Aires, from Miami to Col­orado Springs. What links them are variations on the theme of civic engagement, as well as the idea that the public sphere contains its own imaginative force, born of agitation and a sense of order, imagination and goodwill. Altogether, the takeaway is as much about models for governing as where to find the sublime.
Fall 2016

Volume 92, Number 4

Virginia Quarterly Review, Autumn 2016 cover
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Digital download: $14.00

Table of contents

VQR Vault 
Fine Distinctions 
Notes to Self 
Editor's Desk 
Amateur Hour 

Contributor Profiles

Lauren Markham is the author of The Far Away Brothers: Two Young Migrants and the Making of an American Life (Crown, 2017).

Maurice Carlos Ruffin is a VQR columnist.

Erika Meitner is the author of five books of poems, including Holy Moly Carry Me (BOA Editions, 2018), which was the winner of the 2018 National Jewish Book Award, and a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award.

Ryan Spencer Reed’s work has been exhibited at the New-York Historical Society, the Institute for Contemporary Art/Boston, and the Field Museum of Natural History, among other places.

Amy Woolard is a civil rights attorney and advocate in Charlottesville, Virginia. Her debut poetry collection, Neck of the Woods, received the 2018 Alice James Award from Alice James Books.

Spring 2024 Cover; Photo by Mathias Depardon
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Fiction Issue Cover. Photo by Adam Ekberg.
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Virginia Quarterly Review, Spring/Summer 2023 cover
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